Case Study

Fashion Retail Brand








Our experience with AeMotion has been overwhelmingly positive. Their approach to uncovering consumers' hidden motivators is not only unique but incredibly effective. Since implementing strategies based on insights from AeMotion, we have seen a noticeable improvement in our marketing campaign performance. Their blend of technology, psychology, and customer-centric strategies is truly game-changer.

Paul S. - Managing Director

Our experience with AeMotion has been overwhelmingly positive. Their approach to uncovering the hidden emotional motivators of consumers is not only unique but incredibly effective. Since implementing strategies based on insights from AeMotion, we have seen a noticeable improvement in our marketing campaign performance. Their blend of technology, psychology, and customer-centric strategies is truly game-changer.

Paul S. - Managing Director


This case study is about a leading tailor factory specialised in making custom-made suits, shirts, and overcoats. Based in Thailand, they have been expanding to foreign markets in Europe and USA. Their vision is to offer handcrafted solutions to any person’s unique body style and size. 


To increase brand awareness in Europe and the US, they were running periodical tours there. And in the occasion of each tour, they were running ads on Meta to bring awareness and attract new clients. However, they were getting appointments at a high cost and leads were not highly qualified. Whilst they allocated more ad budget, offering higher discounts, the results remained unchanged.


They came to us to gather deeper and more reliable data about their audience’s emotional motivators in order to implement these insights in their strategies to: 

  • Increase Outreach 
  • Capture a higher number of qualified leads
  • Increase the number of appointments 
  • Raise local brand awareness for future tours
  • Increase conversion rate
  • Lower cost per acquisition

Strategy and Approach

Their initial conviction was that the higher the discount was, the more clients they would convert.

Their main target audience were bankers, brokers, and people who work wearing a suit every day.

We started our audience’s behavioural analysis process with the objective of identifying their customers’ emotional motivators and how these were changing along the sales journey.

Our goal was also to identify if there were separate groups with different hidden motivators within the same audience.

Following this, alongside identifying hidden problems and desires, their target audience was shown to mainly be extroverted, individualist, in love with diversification, autonomous, and open to challenges.

Their interest in these kinds of services was shown to be mainly motivated by:

  • A sense of Exclusivity
  • A feeling of being Special and Unique - different from anyone else
  • A feeling of Tingling and Excitement

They were also shown to be averse to a feeling of Boredom and being Standard.

A part of them was also shown to be motivated further down the sales journey by a need for Security. Considering that they would get the suits shipped at home after the tour was finished, they needed particular reassurance that they were truly going to get them on time and with no issues.

Our experience with AeMotion has been overwhelmingly positive. Their approach to uncovering the hidden emotional motivators of consumers is not only unique but incredibly effective. Since implementing strategies based on insights from AeMotion, we have seen a noticeable improvement in our marketing campaign performance. Their blend of technology, psychology, and customer-centric strategies is truly game-changer.

Paul S. - Managing Director

Representation of the audience's

Emotional Motivators on the

Limbic Map

Comparison with the Previous Strategy

Their previous strategy was to advertise posts with an offer/discount for their service. The images selected were mainly about the suits rather than the potential customers. And this was just giving an idea of the service but not much else.

This approach was standard and possibly perceived as distant - which is something that people motivated by Specialty and Unicity are averse to.

Also, a similar approach is shown to appeal mainly to a sense of Power and Victory - which were shown to be secondary to the other motivators.

Representation on the Limbic Model of the Emotional Motivators impacted with the previous strategy


Representation on the Limbic Model of the Emotional Motivators identified following our analysis

How our findings got implemented in their new strategy

Our insights helped them create a new campaign strategy which included new graphics and copy to mainly generate an impact of Exclusivity, Unicity, and Specialty.

A video to show the whole process of measurements, suit preparation, and shipping to generate a feeling of Security was also prepared.

They also tested creativities with the discount offer in evidence to see how it would perform when presented alongside elements generating Exclusivity.

In the ad copy, terms like 'your unique body' 'your unique style' 'your way' and 'exclusive tour' were used while leveraging the Brand's experience and quality, to then finally present the offer/discount.



Creativity part of their previous strategy

CTR 0.91%

Outreach 23,475

ROI 2.02%


Creativity impacting Exclusivity & Unicity

CTR 5.87%

Creativity highlighting the discount

CTR 2.61%

Video showing the process and impacting Security

CTR 4.86%

Total Impact Generated

CTR 4.45%

Outreach 35,944

ROI 5.78%


The campaign responded very well generating higher results not just in terms of outreach and CTR but in the quality of the leads, resulting in a drastic ROI growth. Also, the fewer results got from the graphic with the offer/discount, confirming our initial findings.

Same communication platform - same budget - different message and emotional impact.







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